Sandwichbikes physical test
We wouldn’t sell you a bike if it we weren’t sure it was the strongest bike on the block, which is why the Sandwichbike was extensively tested by EFBE prüftechnik. Enormous weight was put on the seat, frame and wheels, and the bottom bracket was tested up to 100.000 times, all to simulate a bikes life on the road.
Since it passed the tests with flying colors, our wooden baby can compete with any steel or carbon frame you’ll find next to you in a bike lane. Of course it also means the Sandwichbike complies with the EN and ISO norms.
Sandwichbikes climate test
Of course we don’t expect you to ride your Sandwichbikes indoors, that’ why we have tested our Sandwichbikes frames to all weather types. SHR, consultancy partner for wood testing and advice, hang our wooden frames in their climate chamber where they were exposed to the SHR accelerated weathering test. The test cycle lasted one week and was repeated six times. During this period our wooden frame was exposed to:
- 8 hours of irradiation using IR lamps
- 24 hours of spraying with water of about 15 ° C
- 64 hours with a freezing temperature of about -10 ° C
- 8 hours of spraying with water of about 15 ° C
- 8 hours of irradiation using IR lamps
- rest
Our Sandwichbikes turns out to be a tough guy! As all wood, the Sandwichbikes frame only gets better with time because the liveliness of the wood is reflected by some wood weathering traces and rough parts. Except for these characteristic features, Sandwichbikes is still standing strong after these rough weather conditions.